Importing and Exporting Biomass Products

Briquettes made from biomass serve as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels, reducing carbon emissions and providing a renewable energy source for industrial and other use Biomass is often a sustainable and renewable energy source, as it includes materials like agricultural waste (e.g., rice husks, wheat straw), forestry residues (e.g., sawdust, wood chips),industrial by-products, and even certain types of organic waste.

Our industry manufactures high-quality biomass briquettes from agricultural, forestry, and industrial waste, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fuels for heating, power generation, and industrial applications.

Benefit of Service

We offer our customers the best quality briquettes, according to their specifications and requirements.


Raw Material Used: Ground Nut Shell,Saw Dust,Match Stick, Coffee husk.

Professional and Dedicated Team
